We are missionaries to Monterrey Mexico.

We are missionaries to Mexico who want to honnor JC more than anything else in the world. By God's grace we're planning to move to Monterrey Mexico with a great team to plant a new Great Commission church there.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A miracle at the Mexican embassy!

Hello friends!

We want to tell you about our experience at the embassy . On tuesday we went there at 9am sharp. We were nervous and praying at the same time. At the embassy there are usually two nice ladies from Honduras that check your papers and then they take them to the official from the embassy. But yesterday, this official was receiving the papers and we had to meet with him. He started asking questions and he didn't look so nice as the other ladies.

He told us that in order to get the visa we had better show him our tickets to Monterrey to prove that we would be flying back to Honduras. We didn't say a word. And he asked us this for the next day. So we asked Sergio (our pastor) for advice on what to do in this situation and he suggested to show them our flight reservations. It's not the same as showing the tickets but this would be plan A.

It's kind of difficult because we didn't know when we would be leaving exactly and we still don't have a confirmed date so we couldn't buy the tickets. Anyway we went to the embassy and went again to that office thinking about what we would say if they asked us for some explanation. And then the miracle happened! They gave us our passports with a visa to enter Mexico. And guess what? They didn't even ask us a single question. Just like this, they just gave us our visas and wished us a nice trip!

Isn't it amazing? This is God's grace working! He did it! It's such an amazing work, He does not look for our abilities. Humanly speaking we had no chance to get it but he made the difference. And this is only for his glory! He deserves all our worship because he's done mighty things among us. The waters of the Jordan river have been split, right before our eyes!

We just wanted to thank you so much for your prayers and faith: we know they have also made a difference. God has answered your prayers! Thank you because you're also part of this amazing miracle.


Blogger J.R. Woodward said...


Thanks for sharing your story with us. May God continue to bless you and your family.


JR Woodward

1:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am pregnant, in another country, wanting husband to depart with. Am praying for a miracle. If not, am praying for the grace to deal with having our child here. Very difficult. Thanks for sharing your story.

4:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the bigger things that kills me about this whole immigration movement bullshit is the bullshit argument that Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, etc. were somehow "stolen" from Mexico by the big, bad, evil USA. Oh, because, that's right, Mexico was such a peace loving utopia with the most magnanimous leaders this world has ever seen until we provoked them into finally taking up arms (and, they would have us believe, they did so begrudgingly). GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. Ever heard of the Constitution of 1824??? Where was your fucking peace-loving Mexican Utopia when Santa Anna decided to wipe that Constitution with his ass??? If any nation was ever a war-mongering, land-grabbing nation it was Mexico, and Spain before it. We stole the southwestern states??? Go cry me a river. Apparently history began when Mexico lost their land. Bullshit.

The only thing someone who professes this bullshit can say, while still being honest, is that we won, they lost, and they are bitter about it. And it's not as if their culture made such a huge impact at the time to even claim that it was a de facto Mexican state. This isn't the Rhineland. This isn't Alsace-Lorraine. The culture(s) in these regions, be they American, German, Scandinavian, Irish, American Indian, or anything else, not only rivaled but overpowered the "overwhelming" Mexican influence they claim they had. These regions were more Americanized than angry Mexicans today could ever hope to believe (why do you think Santa Anna rescinded the Constitution of 1824??? Texas was becoming too American and too hard to control under Mexican rule.). Most Mexican culture that is now commonplace in these regions is because of the gracious, freedom-loving culture of the US that embraces other cultures and allows outsiders to practice their customs freely, not because these regions are just "so obviously Mexican". If Mexico wants to claim these regions as their own, then I suggest they order their "army" to gather both their rifles, get on their squadron of mules, and just try to "take it back". Otherwise, shut the fuck up, stop taking advantage of a putrid welfare system, and, hey, here's an idea, maybe try to improve your own damn country instead of holding the US responsible for it being the shithole that it is.

8:13 AM


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