We are missionaries to Mexico who want to honnor JC more than anything else in the world. By God's grace we're planning to move to Monterrey Mexico with a great team to plant a new Great Commission church there.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Psalm 104
Can I ask you a question... what makes you really happy? Is it your family? Work? Your ministry? Vacations? Whatever that is, remember that God is the one who makes you able to enjoy it. Had you thought about this? Let us remember that He gives us... wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil to make our face shine, and bread that sustains our heart (psalm 104:15). Here are some other questions... How much do birds have to worry about getting their food? How much does the grass have to worry about getting water? Did the wild goats have to worry about a place to live? How do wild donkeys quench their thirst? How does nature keep such a perfect balance? We might find the answer in verse 27: These all look to you [Lord] to give them their food at the proper time. Gos is the answer. He likes to give to us. Of course there is a balance between God's answer and what he asks me to do. Verse 23 says: The man goes out to his work, to his labor until evening. So next time you feel anxious or worried about God's supply remember that He wants you to do your job, whatever that is, and then just sit and wait for his miracles...
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