Help us pray for...

These are some things you can help us pray for. Remember your prayers are listened and they have an eternal impact.
- Our personal connection with JC. There are hundreds of things to do, hundreds of people to be with but only ONE necessary thing: to worship Him and know Him better.
- Our family: it's really hard for our parents to see us leave. Although they understand we are fulfilling the GC, emotionally speaking, separation isn't very nice sometimes.
- The appartment we're looking for: a 2 or 3 bedroom appartment in Cumbres with furniture and appliances included at an affordable price.
- The people we're going to meet. May we find grace before their eyes. We want to "be" true friends to them.
- That God will continue to provide financially for us. We still need to reach our goal and there are several moving expenses to take care of.
- That our hearts would always remain humble before God. That He would be number one in our lives.
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