We are missionaries to Monterrey Mexico.

We are missionaries to Mexico who want to honnor JC more than anything else in the world. By God's grace we're planning to move to Monterrey Mexico with a great team to plant a new Great Commission church there.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Residency being processed

One of the amazing things about the trip was that we were able to start the process of our residency. Hopefully, when we go back to Monterrey in November we will be able to sign the papers and obtain our residency. This is something that usually takes much more time but God has opened the doors and has put in contact with some great lawyers there. When we get our residency we will be able to open bank accounts, to have social security, to have the option of getting loans, etc... This is something great and again, it only shows how great God's grace is. This is something that in my own efforts would have been very difficult or even impossible to achieve.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tender and soft hearts

Perhaps, the 1st thing that caught my attention and has me really impressed is how people responded to the gospel of JC. In a country where people are 95% catholic, their desire to hear the good news is amazing. Even though they are catholic they know very little about JC, his sacrifice and his personal interest in a deep relationship with them. We had the opportunity to share with over 120 people and we saw a great percentage of these people get saved. We had a special meeting where we invited all of our contacts and we got the opportunity to share the gospel again and to establish a more personal relationship with the people. Four people came: they all wanted to meet again next week but this wasn't possible. We got their emails and phone numbers and we'll keep in touch with them until we get back in November. Personally, I am amazed by the needs these people have. Their biggest one: to hear about Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. They don't know this! One 16 year-old teenager thought Jesus had died for his own sins! When he found out Jesus did it for him, he said "Nobody had told me this before" We got the chance to share the good news wth different kinds of people: from college students to business men, cab drivers, high school students, mothers, children, homeless people... I'm just so willing to go and do this, not for 11 days, but for the rest of my life! May you be famous Lord all over Mexico!!!

Back from Monterrey

Hey everybody! It's good to be back in Honduras after 11 days of intensive learning and work in Monterrey. The trip was amazing! It's going to take a while to have everybody updated. We have now seen the land where the JC is taking us. It's incredible: the city is very nice and the people are just fantastic! They are so friendly and kind; it's easy to make new friends (which, by the way, we did) and to establish ever-lasting relationships. People's hearts are open to the Gospel, these people are thirsty for the good news of salvation. Thanks for your prayers. I'm sure they really made a difference.